Affiliated To Gauhati University
ACCREDITED B+ by NAAC (2019) in 3rd CYCLE  03712-220535

Course Outcome

PO1: The graduate course in Assamese major incorporates Assamese literature from the 9th to
the 21st century and also includes Western and Eastern literature.
PO2: Students will gain knowledge of various aspects like tourism, archaeology, agriculture and
fashion like indigenous dress and ornaments. They will also gain information on various
religious and historical places of interest, archaeology variety and scope of agriculture.
PO3: Students will gain competence over the Assamese language and will be able to enhance
their communicative skills.
PO4: After completion of this course students will gain information on the Assamese culture and
tradition. The course will provide skills in creative writing.
PO5: After passing out with major in Assamese, students get opportunity for post graduation in
literature, linguistics, cultural studies, mass communication and tourism.
PO6: Students also get opportunity for fashion designing and beautician course.
PO7: They can engage themselves as teachers.
PSO1: The graduate course in Assamese major incorporates Assamese literature from the 9th to
the 21st century and also includes Western and Eastern literature.
PSO2: The cultural history paper includes various aspects like tourism, archaeology, agriculture
and fashion (indigenous dress and ornaments). It also encompasses information on various
religious and historical places of interest, archeology. Varity and scope of agriculture.
PSO3: The paper on Linguistics deals with the grammar of the Assamese language.
PSO4: After completion of this course student will gain information on the Assamese culture and
tradition. The course will provide skills in creative writing.
PSO5: Competence in the language will empower their communication skills.
PSO6: After passing out with major in Assamese, students get opportunity for post graduate in
literature, linguistics, cultural studies, mass communication and tourism.
PSO7: Students also get opportunity for fashion designing and beautician course.
PSO8: They can engage themselves as teachers.
CO1: Students will gain knowledge of Folk literature, Folk dance, Folk song, Musical
instruments and food habit of different parts of Assam. They will study the characteristics of Pre-
Sankari literature and its difference with modern literature and also the language of that time.
CO2: Helps attain knowledge about the origin and characteristics of classical Assamese poems
eg. the poems of Chorjapod,Sankardeva, Durgabar.
CO3: Deals with the literature of ‘Arunudai’ period, the contribution of the English missionaries
to the Assamese literature, the position of Assamese language and literature during the rule of the
CO4: Deals with the language and content of odern Assamese poems and the life history of
modern Assamese poets.
CO5: Deals with a study of ‘Indo-Europiya’ language and structure, ‘Ancient Indian Arya
Language’, its structure and its difference with Modern Indian Arya language It also gives an
introduction of the history of origin of the Assamese language and a brief introduction to the
languages of the surrounding states and their contribution to the Assamese language and to the
dialects of Assamese.
CO6: It initiates Assamese prose that deals with the literacy and linguistic components of the
“Kirtton”, the drama and epics of the Sankari period and the “borgeets”.
CO7: Deals with the grammar of the Assamese language.
CO8: Gives knowledge about of the elements of the sub-castes in the formation of the Assamese
and a brief introduction to the Assamese culture, the various customs, festivals, dress and foodhabits
of the tribes.
CO9: It orients students to research methodology and writing of a project. The field study
involved with it acquaints students with observation, data collection and research procedures.
CO10: Focuses on the tradition and aesthetic of ancient Assamese drama.
CO11: Deals with the language and history of old Assamese literature and with the history of
ancient Assam.
CO12: Introduces the students to the Baishnab poets of Assam as well as India and their literary
composition. They are also introduced to the Brajabuli language.
CO12: Acquaints students with the origin and spread of Pali-Prakrit literature, the linguistics of
Pali-Prakrit-Apravansha and Abhahatta language.
CO13: Introduces a studying of literary theory and criticism of Eastern and Western literature
and their influence on Indian literature.
CO14: Gives a brief introduction to the various languages of the world, the relation among
different languages, caste, society and culture and language change.
CO15: Deals with the history of modern Assamese drama, the difference between Old Assamese
drama and Modern Assamese drama.
CO16: Gives an introduction to modern Assamese literature, the difference between ancient and
modern literature in the context of the socio-economic and political conditions of Assam.
CO17: Introduces students to the origin and development of Assamese, Bengali, and Hindi
CO18: Gives the students knowledge of the Assamese short stories and novels and also the
western short story.
CO19: Introduces students to the rhymes of Assamese language and its uses in the Assamese
CO20:Gives a knowledge of the semantics and syntax of the Assamese language, the theory of
dialects, the necessity of its study and its contribution to the Assamese language.
Bachelor of Business Administration
PO 1: Students will attain an understanding of the corporate world
PO2: Students will be able to relate theoretical knowledge with the practical aspects of
organizational setting and techniques of management.
PO3: Determine conceptual and analytical abilities required for effective decision making.
PO 4: Understand the dynamic and complex working environment of business.
PO 5: Understand the micro and macro marketing environment.
PO6: Analyze the various financial and accounting concept including Balance sheet, trial
balance, etc.,
PO 7: Analyse the various aspect of business research in the area of marketing, human resource
and finance.
PO 8: Determine the functional areas of management such as production, purchasing, marketing,
sales, advertising, finance, human resource system.
PO 9: Understand the forms of business organization.
PO 10: Understand the factors influencing consumer buying behaviour.
PO 11: Determine the stages of the product development process.
PO 12: Analyse the tools and techniques of data.
PO 13: Determine the steps involved in design of questionnaire.
PO 14: Analyse and preparation of project report for the functional areas of research.
PSO 1: To understand the corporate world
PSO 2: Analyse the theoretical knowledge with the practical aspects of Organizational setting
and techniques of management.
PSO 3: Determine conceptual and analytical abilities required for effective decision making.
PSO 4: Understand the dynamic and complex working environment of Business.
PSO 5: Understand the micro and macro marketing environment.
PSO 6: Analyze the various financial and accounting concept including Balance sheet , trial
balance, etc.,
PSO 7: Analyse the various aspect of business research in the area of marketing, human
resource and finance.
PSO 8: Determine the functional areas of management such as production, purchasing,
marketing, sales, advertising, finance, human resource system.
PSO 9: Understand the forms of business organization.
PSO 10: Understand the factors influencing consumer buying behaviour.
PSO 11: Determine the stages of the product development process.
PSO 12: Analyse the tools and techniques of data.
PSO 13: Determine the steps involved in design of questionnaire.
PSO 14: Analyse and preparation of project report for the functional areas of research.
CO1: The course aims to develop communication skills proficiency in English language.
CO2: To gain knowledge about the concept of demand, supply, consumer behaviour, cost and
production function, pricing method and market structure.
CO3: The course aims at equipping the students with a broad-based knowledge of mathematics
with emphasis on business application.
CO4: The course aims to explain the basic management functions and study the contributions of
important management thinkers.
CO5: Familiarizes students with basics in computer and its applications in the relevant fields and
also makes them aware of other related papers of IT.
CO6: The course aims to explain the concept of personality & the different factors
affecting an individual’s personality and the basic business etiquettes and manners
CO7: The course aims to provide knowledge about the development process in India after
independence, economic problems and various measures to control them and to identify and
analyse current issues.
CO8: The course aims at giving statistical knowledge to the students so as to enable them to
make statistical analysis in business.
CO9: The course aims to explain the general purpose and functions of accounting and describe
the main elements of financial accounting.
CO10: The objective of the course is to familiarize the students with various commands used in
CO11: The course aims to explain the behaviour, attitude & performance of people in an
organisation and to explain the basic concepts of organisational behaviour.
CO12: The course aims to introduce key marketing concepts, theories and techniques for
analysing a variety of marketing situations.
CO13: The course will familiarize the students with the basic management accounting concepts
and their application in managerial decision making and will enable the students to understand
and effectively use the costing systems for production and service industries.
CO14: The objective of the course is to develop basic understanding of concepts, theories and
techniques of production process and operation management.
CO15: The course aims at teaching the students how to efficiently manage an office and to
explain the various factors affecting office work.
CO16: The course aims to appreciate the importance of human resource management as a field
of study and as a central management function and to explain the key elements of human
resource management.
CO17: The course aims to appreciate the need of research in the area of marketing and to explain
the various techniques of research used in marketing.
CO18: The objective of the course is to acquaint the students with the overall framework of
financial decision- making in a business unit.
CO19: The course aims to explain the unique challenges of services marketing including the
elements of product, price, place, promotion, processes, physical evidence, and people. The
course also tries to understand how service sector operates.
CO20: The course aims to explain the legal environment of business and how to apply the basic
legal knowledge in business transactions.
CO21: It provides valuable experience in corporate sector and the students also learn how to
interact with other professionals in a professional manner.
CO22: The course aims to provide knowledge of the field of industrial relations and to
understand the importance of industrial relations for the growth of an organisation.
CO23: The course aims to provide knowledge about the various advertisement tools and
strategies to achieve marketing objectives.
CO24: The course aims to evaluate the comparative working capital management policies and
their impact on the firm`s profitability, liquidity, risk and operating flexibility.
CO25: The course aims to provide knowledge on consumer behaviour and retailing and their
approaches. It also provides knowledge on market segment and channel of distribution.
CO26: The course aims to provide various effective strategies to manage company`s sales
operations and to know the various responsibilities of sales teams.
CO27: The course aims to help the students to comprehend the basic principles of the laws
governing Direct and Indirect taxes. Students are expected to have only elementary knowledge of
the topics specified in the syllabus.
CO28: The course aims to gain knowledge about the concept of rural marketing, its various
strategies, challenges and the present scenario of rural market in India.
CO29: The course aims to appreciate the importance of export marketing for the growth of a
country`s economy and explain the concept of international marketing logistics, export finance,
export &import procedure, the various documents of export and import & electronic commerce.
CO30: The course aims to explain the various entrepreneurial traits and the various factors
responsible for the growth of entrepreneurship in India. The students also learn about the various
types of institutional support available for the entrepreneurs in India.
PO1: Students will learn how to appreciate different forms of Bengali literature.
PO2: A study of the history of Bengali language will enrich their knowledge of the language.
PO3: Critical thinking abilities and analytical skills of the students will be enhanced.
PSO1: It gives knowledge on the life of famous poets or authors as well as their famous works.
PSO2: The learners can have various options in literacy fields and further study options.
CO1: The learners will be introduced to medieval period in Bengali literature.
CO2: Deals with autobiography and children literature.
CO3: Initiates students to the history of Bengali literature.
CO4: The learners will be initiated to the history of Bengali language as well as Chhanda-
CO5: Introduces students to 19th -20th century Bengali Poetry.
CO6: Deals with Bengali literary genres like novel, short story, drama and prose.
CO7: The students will be acquainted with travel writing.
CO8: Students will be introduced to essay writing.
CO9: Students will be acquainted with the literary works of Tagore.
CO10: Deals with the theory of literature of the neighbouring states.
CO11: Students will be introduced to Bengali literature of Assam.
CO12: Students will be acquainted with research Methodology and writing Projects on literature.
PO1: The course in Bodo will inculcate in the students an appreciation of Bodo literature through
a study of Bodo poetry, drama, novel, short story and prose
PO2: The course will also enhance the learners knowledge of the Bodo language and Bodo
CO1: It introduces students Bodo patriotic, nature, romantic and modern poetry.
CO2: Introduces students to historical drama dealing with Bodo History.
CO3: Students will attain knowledge about Bodo Literature and culture through a study of Bodo
CO4: A study of selected novels and short stories in Bodo will give them knowledge of Bodo
PO1: Demonstrate a broad knowledge and understanding of selected fields of study in the core
program of study, with an in-depth understanding in at least one of these fields.
PO2: Explain the basic concepts and theories and institutional arrangements underlying the
operations and performance of modern economies.
PO3: Reflect a general understanding of the concepts, principles, theories and arguments of
selected areas of study outside the core disciplines of economics, commerce, and business.
PO4: Explain and use theories, concepts, and findings from the social sciences to effectively
manage people and organisations for the benefit of the full range of organisational stakeholders,
and contribute positively to the development of organisations and society particularly in relation
to business, economics, government and commercial professions.
PO5: Engage confidently in self-directed study and research and have a continuing commitment
to learning.
PO6: Be independent in their learning and respond in a critically informed manner to new ideas,
research findings, methodologies and theoretical frameworks in their specialised field of study.
PO7: Apply critical and analytical skills and methods to the identification, evaluation and
resolution of complex problems and to do so from the standpoint of specialised knowledge
developed in at least one specific commerce discipline.
PO8: Contribute to issues of concern to society within the framework of disciplines studied both
within and outside the core program
PO9: Appreciate and participate in national and international debates and discussions on
economic, commercial, and business issues.
PO10: Demonstrate an ability to communicate ideas effectively in both written and oral formats
PO11: Qualify for employment in a wide range of occupations.
PO12: Work competently and productively in groups, exercising teamwork and interpersonal
PO13: A degree holder can work as an Accountant, Finance officer, Auditor, Consultant,
Business Analyst, Tax Consultant, Stock Broker, Economist, Business Development Trainee,
PO14: A degree holder can also opt to become a chartered accountant, company
secretary, cost accountant or go for higher studies like MBA, etc.
PO15: Different job areas like business consultancies, Educational institutions, Industrial houses,
public Accounting firms, policy planning, foreign trade, banks, budgets, planning, inventory
control, merchant banking, marketing, treasury and forest department, investment banking, etc
are open for graduates.
PSO 1: The course is designed to provide students with a wide range of managerial skills
and understanding in fields like finance, accounting, management, and taxation.
PSO 2: To hold a degree one needs to attain knowledge of different subjects like
economics, finance, information technology, management, laws, Human resource management,
Business statistics, marketing management etc.
The objective of this paper is to acquaint students with the basic knowledge of mathematics as
applicable to Business Economics.
Know about concept of insurance, Life insurance, General Insurance, Insurance organization and
Know about Accounting Information, GAAP, Accounting Standards, Hire Purchase System,
Self-Balancing System and Royalty Accounts Systems.
Know about MNCs, Business combinations, Entrepreneurship, promotion of a new venture and
role of Entrepreneurs in socio- economic development.
Know about Indian financial system, financial markets, financial institutions, and regulatory
Know about concept of cost like material cost, labour cost, overhead process and contract
costing integral and non integral accounting system.
Know about nature and scope of Human Resource Management (HRM), Recruitment, Selection,
Job Evaluation, Wages, Salary, Administration and impact of globalization on HRM.
Know about Rural environment, rural industries, rural finance and its sources, and co-operative
Know about IFRS and accounting standards, Branch Accounting, valuation of goodwill and
Departmental Accounting, and dissolution procedure of partnership firms and its accounting
Know about management thought, Planning, Decision Making, Forecasting, Organizing,
Departmentation, Span of Management, Authority and Responsibility, Motivation, Leadership,
Communication, Control and Management of Change.
The objective of this paper is to introduce students to basic statistical methods with a focus on
the application of these methods to the business world.
Know about role of management accounting in decision making, marginal costing, cost volume
profit analysis, standard costing and variance analysis and budget control system.
Nature and scope of Human resource planning, Human resource development, employee
training, executive development, career planning, performance appraisal and measurement of
Human resource planning.
Know about micro finance, RBI and rural finance, present structure of institutional finance for
rural development and rural development approach.
Know how to prepare the final accounts of companies, amalgamation of companies, Right
shares, Bonus shares, Buy back of shares, issue and redemption of debentures and its accounting
Know about income tax act 1961, heads of income, Assessment procedure and wealth act 1957.
Know about introduction of companies, financial structure, membership, company management,
company Director and meetings.
To make students understand about valuation of shares and internal reconstruction, profit or loss
prior to incorporation, winding up of companies and holding companies and its accounting
To know about concept of industrial relations, industrial disputes, settlement machinery, Trade
union act 1926, industrial employment, Factories act 1948, Payment of bonus act 1956, Payment
of wages act 1936 and miscellaneous legislations.
Know about Financial system, Financial institutions, Financial markets and regulatory
framework in financial system.
To acquaint students about introduction of business economics, demand analysis, production
function, cost analysis, market structure and price determination and factor pricing.
To acquaint students about auditing concepts, internal control system, audit sampling, audit
procedures and audit report.
To acquaint students about the newly implemented Goods and Services Tax law of the country
and provisions related thereto.
To acquaint students about financial services, leasing and hire purchase, Merchant banking,
Mutual funds and innovation of financial services.
To acquaint students about the final accounts preparation regarding Banking and Insurance
companies, Investment Accounts and insurance claims procedures.
To acquaint students about cost sheet, material cost, overhead, labour cost, standard costing, cash
flow and fund flow statement, ratio analysis and application of management accounting.
To acquaint students about meaning of international banking, institutions, its regulation and
operation, international wholesale banking, offshore financial centres.
To know about emerging issues and challenges in business at the national and international level
in the light of the policies of liberalization and globalization.
Students will learn about the basics and significance of marketing and also helps to develop
suitable marketing strategies in their future life.
It helps to know about significance of financial management, investment decisions, concept of
working capital management, capitalization and dividend decisions.
To know about Indian Contract Act 1872, the Sale of Goods Act 1930, Assam Co-operative
Society Act 1949.
To know about statutory rules followed in preparing financial statements and its analyzing
techniques and preparation of fund flow and cash flow statement.
Introduces the concept of customer relation management, building customer relationship, CRM
process, meaning of retail management and its significance.
Acquaints the learners with the concept, applicability and importance of international trade in
present world economy.
To introduce the concept of computer and its importance in business.
To understand the significance that services hold in the new business era.
To know about the concept of banks, its types, NPA, bank-customer relationship negotiable
instruments and preparation of bank balance sheet.
To know about Right to information act 2005, Indian Partnership Act 1932, Consumer Protection
Act 1986 and FEMA act 1999 and some special acts.
To understand the basic concepts of research and methodology and process of preparing the
project report
PO 1: While going through the course, students will have an idea of using quantitative
techniques and other fields of economics.
Students are trained to analyse economic theory in an empirical context.
PO 2: This course will help students in answering certain basic questions as to why some
countries are lagging behind and what measures they need to take to promote growth.
PO 3: Exposure to the capital market enables the students to explain the modalities of resource
PO 4: The course also tends to help students to understand about Indian planning.
PO 5: This course helps the students to know about the methods of sampling (i.e. sampling
design) and furthermore, to know how to prepare the Questionnaire or a schedule.
PO 6: Knowledge in the handling of statistical tools like averages of location, variability, corelation,
regression, normal Poisson, binomial distribution, probability, distribution, x-test, z-test,
F-test etc. helps the students in further research work.
PSO 1: Statistical data analysis in social sciences can be done by the students.
PSO 2: The course increases the proficiency of the students to take up courses like company
secretary (CS), marketing management, financial management, tax consultancy, hotel
management, entrepreneurship development, micro-finance dairy development programme, etc.
PSO 3: It equips the students in the use of statistical tools and to apply them in data analysis.
CO 1: To examine the theoretical development in the working of the firm producing a single
CO 2: To analyse the behaviour of the consumer.
CO 3: To explain and analyse the working of markets operating at different levels of
CO 4: To differentiate and analyse the various financial statements of a firm.
CO 5: To elaborate on the basis of National Income accounting and Income Employment
CO 6: To extend the ideas of monetary economics to the working of the wider financial
CO 7:To elaborate on the use of basic mathematical tools such as metric differentiation and
integration. It ensures the theories into concrete forms such as Euler’s Theorem, consumers’
surplus, producers’ surplus, consumers’ equilibrium, different elasticity concepts, average,
marginal and total concepts etc.To discuss how these tools can be applied in economics.
CO 8: To give an insight into the real meaning of development and how elements of economics
like allocation of resources can facilitate, or under certain situations, hamper the development of
a given society.
CO 9: To explain the measurement issues relating to development.
CO 10: To interpret the various development strategies and theories to assess the different
developing countries of the world.
CO 11: To discuss the role of the state in public finance in terms of the various functions.
CO 12: Public budgeting is analysed in detail and its implication on the various deficeits can be
CO 13: Principles of fiscal federalism and a perspective of the relevant issues are examined.
CO 14: To analyse the international trade theories and changing pattern of international trade.
CO 15: Elaborate how different international trade policies are undertaken by the trading nations.
CO 16: Students will be able to analyse the financial system including its various components
like market assets.
CO 17: Students will be able to illustrate trading in the stock market.
CO 18: The primary objective of this paper is to introduce the students to environmental issues, a
to enable them to analyse the working of the environment and the economy and to interpret the
issues related to the use of natural resources.
CO 19: To discuss various pollution control measures.
CO 20: To examine and analyse the process and outcome of Inida’s economic reform.
PO1: Understanding the role of education in a changing social context and critically analyse its
operational effectiveness in that context.
PO2: Understand the nature and processes of learning relevant for human being.
PO3: Understanding the process of social interaction and its relevance in education.
PO4: Familiarize students with methods of educational research, educational technology,
measurement and evaluation in the field of education, to understand the various issues and
problems in the Indian Educational System and to acquaint students with the existing education
system of various developed and developing countries.
PO5: Develop scientific attitude among the students through experimental psychology.
PO6: Familiarize students with philosophical enquiry as a basis of all educational endeavours.
PO7: Students will understand the management process and develop knowledge on Recourse
Management, Institutional Management, Financial Management and Personal Management.
PO8: Will familirize the students with environmental and population issues.
PO9: Will acquaint students with continuing educational and population issues.
PSO1: Will inculcate in the students a knowledge of the process foundation theories philosophies
and principles of education.
PSO2: Develop the ability of scientific thinking and attitudes as well as critical thinking.
PSO3: Will attain knowledge about various teaching skills and how to use it in class room
PSO4: Will acquire the ability to engage in life-long and self-directed learning.
CO1: Students will be familiarized with scientific principles and theories of education and with
the different methods of educational psychology.
CO2: Students will be acquainted with ancient and medieval system of education in India, with
education as a determinant of social changes and development.
CO3: Students will understand emerging issues in education like literacy programmes, women
empowerment, human rights, globalization, and vocationalization of education.
CO4: Students will gain knowledge of measuring instruments and the procedure of constructing
educational and psychological tests.
CO5: Students will be familiarized with innovation in education through educational technology,
team teaching, e-learning and e-library.
CO6: Students will understand the concept, scope and importance of environmental education .
CO7: Students will get a knowledge of the relationship between education and philosophy, ideas
like Idealism, Naturalism and Pragmtism; Vedic, Buddhist and Islamic thought.
CO8: Students will acquire knowledge about the contribution of Western and Indian thinkers to
present day educational thought.
CO9: Students will be acquainted with professional ethics and accountability of a teacher.
CO10:Students will learn the use of different statistical procedures in Education.
CO11: Students will be familiarized with adult education and distance education.
PO 1: Students will be acquainted with the English literary tradition of different periods –
medieval, renaissance, restoration and romantic and to critically relate the socio- political and
cultural trends of the age to the different literacy traditions of the different ages.
PO 2: Students will be able to understand critical concepts like post colonialism and post
modernism towards appreciation of poetry and fiction. Apart from British texts, they are
introduced to literary texts from other cultures like American and Latin American.
PO 3: Students will attain knowledge of the impact of contemporary philosophy, ideas and art
movements on modern drama.
PO 4: Students will study the diversity of themes and styles that the genre of the essay has
adopted and the wider political, social and cultural contexts in which they were written.
PO 5: A study of the memoirs, letters and biographies of selected texts of English, European,
American and Indian writers will enable students to deal with issues like construction and
representation in seemingly linear, transparent and straight forward accounts of lives of
significant people.
PO 6: A study of the selected fiction, letters and poetry will enlighten students about the way
women are represented and the status and condition of women in a patriarchal society and the
resistance they have put up.
PO 7: Students will also be enlightened about the changing dynamics in the relationship between
man and nature, nature and culture. They will learn to see nature as a central presence in man’s
life and not just as a passive background.
PO 8: Students will obtain knowledge of a specific range of western myths and mythical
characters and their functions.
PO 9: Students will be able to place and read the texts in Indian Writing in English in the light of
the historical, political and cultural circumstances of their production.
PO 10: The students’ competence of the English language will be enhanced. It will develop the
students’ reading and writing skills.
PSO1: The English Major course will help the students in understanding and analyzing a broad
range of fictional and non-fictional work, poetry and drama, of different periods and places and
thereby strengthening their aesthetic sense.
PSO 2: A study of the course will develop critical reading, writing and thinking skills through
analysis, synthesis and evaluation of important ideas.
PSO 3: It will help in inculcating moral-ethical values, broadening their overall perspective and
developing an inquisitive and critical bent of mind. They will learn historical contexts, psychosocial
aspects and discern various cultural and moral values.
PSO 4: Students will be more competent in the English language. Their reading, writing and
thinking skills in the English language will be enhanced.
CO1: Students are expected to read and relate the circumstances that influenced, shaped and
contributed to the production of English literary texts from the medieval period to the
Renaissance and will study poetry and drama of that period.
CO2: It requires students to gain a knowledge of the social and literary condition of England
from the Restoration period to the Romantic age. They are expected to relate this knowledge to a
study of the different literary genres of that age.
CO 3: Students will study the social and literary history of the Victorian age and will appreciate
poetry, short stories, essays and novels of the period.
CO 4: It will introduce the students to the different circumstances that contributed towards the
shaping of literature from the 20th century uptil the present. They will also study a selection of
poetry and fiction of the modern and post–modern era representative of the shifts in trends and
critical outlook.
CO 5: The students will have to study theories and texts of 20th century English and European
CO 6: Students will be introduced to the literary form of the essay through a selection of
representative texts from the 18th, 19th and 20th centuries.
CO 7: Students will be acquainted with various forms of life-writing such as memoirs, letters
and biographies.
CO 8: Women’s Writing introduces students to the literature that has emerged with the growing
feminist awareness to the status and condition of women’s lives and their representation.
CO 9: Students will attain knowledge of ecological literary criticism which emerged in the 1990s
and is now an important area of literary and cultural studies.
CO 10: It introduces the students to the study of classical and Judaeo-Christian myth and their
recurrence in later social, historical, cultural and literary contexts.
CO 11: Students will study the distinctive literature produced in India in the wake of English
education, first under British Colonial rule and then after independence. They would also be
required to study texts translated from regional languages to English.
CO 12: Students will be required to study the basic concepts of the structure of English
language and the history of the development of the English language from the Norman conquest
to the modern period.
PO1: Students will understand the distribution and production of resource, mobilization,
utilization and exploitation of resources, sustainable development and future trend,
environmental problems and optimum utilization of resources, aforestation, agroforestation,
economic activity and human resource.
PO2: Human Geography will acquaint the students with understanding the origin, migration,
growth, race, population problem, mode of living, man resource and man-land ratio.
PO3: In Regional Development Planning the students will learn to compare national planning
techniques with that of develop counties like Japan and America and the advanced techniques
and technologies they use in the use of resources, in planning environment and the pollution
control measure they use.
PO4: Study of Regional India will give students knowledge of the resources and planning in
indigenous resources, locational significance of India, avenues for tourism development and
border trades. It also studies areas of conflict and cooperation, trade and commerce on India
with other SAARC countries.
PO5: The course equips students with knowledge Cartographic and Quantitative Methods of
study and use of Statistical techniques, principles of application of Geographical Information
System, GPS and Remote Sensing.
PO6: Population and Settlement Geography, Social and Political Geography studies
environmental influences on population.
PO7: The students will gain knowledge of the regional geography of North East India with
special focus on Assam.
PSO1: The three year under graduate course in Geography (Major) quips the students with
knowledge in different areas in Geography- geomorphology, oceanography, climatology, world
regional geography, soil and biology, economic geography, human geography, development
planning, cartography.
PSO2: The field trips and outdoor classes organized by the department gives the students the
opportunity to apply their classroom knowledge in real life.
Semester Course No Course Title Course outcome
101 Understanding
Understanding of the basic concepts in
geography and spatial nature of geography.
102 Basis of
Understand the basic principles of physical
geography and theories related with the
landform development.
103 Geomorphology
Drainage basin, slope and relief
identification and analysis.
201 Climatology and
Understanding and Knowledge of Oceans
and Atmosphere
202 Regional Geography Detail Knowledge about the regional
aspects of each continent and developed
and developing countries of the world.
203 Practical geography on
climatology and
Practical experience and knowledge of
analysis and interpretation of basins of
Pacific, Atlantic and Indian ocean,
Climograph, Hyther graph etc.
301 Soil and Biogeography
Understand the significance of Soil and
knowledge of biotic world.
302 Economic Geography Understand the concept of resource and
resource conservation, economic activities
303 Practical on Biogeography,
Geography & Field
Analysis and interpretation of soil profile,
soil map, vegetation map, use of
cartographic method and field study.
401 Forms and processes
in Geomorphology
Understand the types and activities
geomorphic hazards, management and
planning of them.
402 Human Geography Understand Concept of Human
Geography, approaches, human adjustment
in different environment, migration, race
403 Practical on
Geomorphic process
Analysis and interpretation of toposheet,
flood plain zones, drainage basin etc.
501 Regional development
planning and
Concept and understanding on Regional
geography of USA and Japan, concepts and
geography of
development of USA
and Japan
types of regional planning.
502 Regional Geography
of India
Detail knowledge about Regional
geography of India and SAARC nations.
503 Cartographic and
quantitative method
Nature and scope of cartography, its
development, techniques of surveying.
504 Population and
settlement geography
Understanding the population geography
and settlement geography.
505 Practical on
cartographic methods
Handling of survey instruments, mapping
of surveyed data, map projection etc.
506 Practical on
cartographic and
quantitative methods
Practical experience on quantitative
methods and representation of population
, 601 Environmental
Concept of environment and environmental
issues, major environmental problems
602 Social and political
Concept of social geography, political
603 Regional geography of
N.E. India with special
focus on Assam
Understanding regional geography of NE
India and Assam
604 Principles and
application of remote
sensing, GIS and GPS
Basic concept on Remote sensing,
components of Remote sensing, types of
remote sensing, Introduction to GIS, conept
GPS etc.
605 Remote Sensing
Knowledge on Remote sensing techniques,
interpretation of satellite imagery,
Computer application , GIS and GPS, Georeferencing
606 Project Practical experience on preparation of
Project Report
PO1: The course will enable students to use methodological tools in the study of history.
PO2: Students will be oriented to the different periods in the history of India enabling them to
understand the emergence of India from the ancient times to the present day.
PO3: The study of world civilization will help students understand the transition of Europe from
the medieval to the modern age and also to comprehend the link between the coming of the
Europeans to India and the establishment of colonies.
PO4: Students will understand the different scientific and technological developments in ancient
and medieval India.
PO5: The history of China gives an insight in to the socio political condition of China in the 19th
and early 20th century the intervention of European powers and the establishment of the
Communist Regime in 1949.
PO6: The history of Japan shows the rise of Japan from an underdeveloped country to one of the
most powerful countries of the world.
PSO1: Students will be acquainted with research methodology which will enrich their critical
thinking abilities enabling them to look at history with critical insight.
PSO2: The history of different periods and countries will enable the students to gain a holistic
view of the socio cultural, political and cultural history of different countries of the world at
different stages and their impact on present times.
PSO3: Students will attain knowledge about the history of Assam from pre-Ahom era to the
attainment of freedom in 1947.
PSO4: Students will gain knowledge of the scientific and technological developments in ancient
and medieval India.
CO1: Students will be introduced to the recent trends of historiography initiating them into the
field of research.
CO2:Students will be initiated to the prominent empires of ancient India (Nanda,Maurya,Gupta)
and regional dynasties, establishment of the Delhi Sultanate and the different dynasties( Slave,
Khilji,Tughlaq, Lodi, Sayyid), and the socio-religious movements (Bhakti and Sufi) Students are
expected to know about the mughal dynasty and the regional powers of the time like Marathas,
Rajputs and Sikhs. Students will also study the sociocultural, political and economic condition of
India under the East India company and after 1957 and the freedom movement up to the
attainment of independence.
CO3: Students will be required to study the prominent ancient civilizations of the world
(Egyptian, Roman, Mesopotamian, Greek and Chinese) and their impact and the history of the
world since 1945 to the present times discussing topics like UNO, Cold War and Middle East
CO4: Students will be introduced to the prominent dynasties of ancient Assam (Varman,
Salasthamba, Pala) and the socio–political, cultural and economic condition of British occupied
Assam, the freedom movement and attainment of freedom.
CO5: Students will gain knowledge about the prominent emperors and dynasties of medieval
Europe and the socio cultural life of the times ,the history of Europe after the French revolution
and the emergence of new countries, viz.Germany and Italy, the history of Europe in the late 19th
and 20th century.
CO7: Students will study the different scientific and technological developments in ancient and
medieval India.
CO8: Students will gain knowledge of the history of Great Britain in the medieval period upto
the regency era.
CO9: Students will get knowledge of the socio-political condition of China in the 19th and early
20th century, and the intervention of different European powers in China upto the establishment
of the Communist regime in 1949.
CO10: Students will study the history of Japan from 1853 upto the 2nd World War i.e its rise
from an underdeveloped country to one of the most powerful countries of the world.
CO11: Students will geta knowledge of Research Methodology and writing Projects on historical
PO1: Students will understand the role played by the poets of “Bhakti kal” in literature and
society and the strategy of converting worship to a struggle for cultural freedom.
PO2: Students will get to know the socio economic and cultural conditions of medieval and
modern Indian society through a study of selected novels and short stories.
PO3: Essays on literacy and topics of social, cultural and political consciousness enlighten the
students about these aspects.
PO4: Hindi drama dealing with various themes related to social concerns will enable the students
to see how society is represented in literature.
PO5: Students will attain knowledge of Assamese language and literature.
PO6: Students will learn applications of functional Hindi and translation.
PO7: A history of Hindi Literature will enable the students to understand its development.
PO8: Students will understand the impact of women exploitation on society.
PO9: A study on “Paryavaran” will increase the consciousness of the students on a healthy
PSO1: Students will be able to understand the relation between society and literature and analyze
the role played by Hindi literature in the past and present.
PSO2: Students will develop a philosophy of life inspired by the vision of eminent writers.
PSO3: Students will gain socio-cultural, gender and environmental consciousness
CO1: Students will be introduced to Hindi poetry of “Bhakti kal”.
CO2: Hindi works of fiction will be introduced through selected novels and short stories.
CO3: Non frictional literature in Hindi through selected essays on literacy, socio-cultural and
political topics will be introduced to the students.
CO4: Students will be introduced to Hindi “Natya Sahitya “through a study of selected dramas .
CO5: Students will attain knowledge of Assamese language and literature .
CO6: Students will gain knowledge of functional Hindi and its applications and translation.
CO7: Students will be required to study the history of the development of literature.
CO8: Students will be introduced to the origin of Hindi language and literature.
CO9: The students will be acquainted with the forms of exploitations faced by women in a
feudalistic system and its long drawn effects in society.
CO10: Students will be introduced to the concept of “Payavaran” and its role in making human
life healthy.
PO1: Students will learn to appreciate Nepali literature.
PO2: Learners’ competence of the Nepali language will be enhanced.
CO1: Introduces students to Nepali Poetry through a selection of poetry from the ancient to the
modern times.
CO2: Students will be acquainted with Nepali drama, one act play and novel
CO3: Students will be introduced to Nepali story, essay and biography.
CO4: Students will attain knowledge of Nepali grammar.
PO1: It helps students gain knowledge of classical philosophy and inculcates in them inherent
virtues and values of classical philosophy.
PO2: It inculcates the spirit of Ahimsa, Satygraha and Non-vilolence through Gandhian
PO3: The course develops analytical thinking ability of the students.
PO4: Students will be able to reconstruct and debate some fundamental issues in Western
philosophical traditions.
PO5: Students will be able to find solutions to ethical dilemmas they may confront.
PO6: A study of religion offers students the opportunity to acquire an understanding of religious
experience within its social, historical, literacy and political context.
PO7: Students will be able to think sociologically about the relationship between social structure
,interaction, identities and inequalities.
PSO1: A course in philosophy at the UG level focuses primarily on critical thinking skills,
reasoning and writing.
PSO2: It enlightens the students intellectually and spiritually.
PSO3: Philosophy inculcates in students moral and ethical values.
CO1: The study of logic enhances reasoning and analytical abilities as well as oratorial and
debating skills.
CO2: Students will be introduced to some of the central problems of metaphysics such as God ,
soul, etc and the nature of reality and existence. Epistemology looks at how we know what truth
is. It helps the students to know about knowledge.
CO3: Students will understand the philosophy of India through a study of the ancient scriptures
such as Vedas, Upanishads, Gita, etc .The study of Yoga Philosophy helps students in physical
and mental development.
CO4: Students are introduced to philosophical thoughts and works of the western world.
CO5: Students will be acquainted with the origin of philosophical thoughts, Socratic philosophy
and philosophy regarding the source of the universe.
CO6: Students will be acquainted with identifying some of the foundational problems and issues
of modern Indian Philosophy and its political and social context to demonstrate knowledge of
key thinkers and concepts.
CO7: Students will be introduced to the study of existentialistic philosophy acquainting them
will the importance and value of human existence.
CO8: Students will be required to study morality which equally denotes ethics and individual
actions and values.
CO9: This course requires students to study specific religions traditions such as Judaism, Islam
and Hinduism. The students will investigate a number of issues about religious world views.
CO10: Students will be acquainted with identifying and explaining major sociological theories
and apply them to everyday life.
PO—1: Understanding the nature and working of the political system of India as well as of
China and Switzerland
PO—2: Critically evaluate the various issues of human rights evaluation in India and the world
at large.
PO—3: Encouraging a comparative analysis of the constitutions of India with China and
PO—4: Developing knowledge about administrative structure and their functions in India.
PO—5: Encourage studies about national and international politics.
PO—6: Understanding various contemporary socio-political, religious and environmental issues.
PO—7: To develop comprehensive understanding and to make critical evaluation of social
variables and conclusions which enables the learners to locate themselves in their social
PO—8: Analyze the thoughts of Indian and Western political thinkers and to develop
understanding for the application of such thoughts in the contemporary social and political
PSO—9: Understanding about basic philosophical practices and to inculcate in the learners
knowledge about basic edifice of political traditions.
PSO—1 : Learners will develop cultural understanding and awareness through this course.
PSO—2 : The analytical and critical thinking skills of the students will be enhanced.
Political Theory
General Outcome:-
To impart general conception with regard to the varied aspects of political theory.
C/O 1: Provides extensive knowledge to learners with regard to varied theoretical aspects of
C/O2: Describes the theories related to the concept of development.
C/O3: To provide knowledge to the learners about the most significant social issues like justice
and multiculturalism and to think for a new social order.
C/O4: To provide knowledge to the learners about the third world concept and new version of
Politics in India
General Outcome: This course provides knowledge and understanding to the learners about the
political system and different challenges to the integration of India which will help them to
understand the meaning of national integration.
C/O1: Describes the functioning of different organs of the government and their relationships in
Indian political system.
C/O2: Learners will understand about the working of the National and Regional political parties
in India.
C/O3: Describes the working of the Election Commission of India which gives the learners
ample opportunities to understand the election system in India.
C/O4: Analysis of the concept of the terrorism, regionalism and casteism as challenges to
integration of the nation.
International Relations
General Outcome : To provide an in depth knowledge about international affairs and
international organizations of the world, along with studying concepts of international politics. It
also encompasses the relations between the countries and the analysis of new units in the
international area.
C/O1: To provide knowledge about the external and internal factors of the foreign policies of the
nations and their diplomatic relations.
C/O2: Provide knowledge on important International Organizations like UNO, its formation
and objectives etc.
C/O3: Knowledge about the concept of security, armament and disarmament.
C/O4: Describes various international agencies and organizations and the concept of
colonialism, Neo- colonialism etc.
Public Administration
General Outcome: Learners will get access to the important concepts of public administration,
which describes the practical usage of government machinery and its application. Further, basic
knowledge on subject-matters of public administration such as recruitment, promotion, etc, are
also acquired by learners thereby getting a first hand theoretical perspective of the working of
governmental administrative machinery.
C/O1: Knowledge about the basic concepts, issues and subject matters of public administration
C/O2: Provides insight into the financial aspects of administration and the government.
C/O3: The learners get a theoretical perspective about the concept of development,
administration and bureaucracy.
C/O4: Knowledge about the concept of accountability and the various forms of control over the
administration process.
Indian Political thought
General outcome: Learners will get adequate knowledge about philosophical arena of India in
general and about a few selected Indian philosophers in particular.
C/O1: Extensive knowledge on the philosophy of ancient philosophers and philosophical
traditions of our country.
C/O2: Describes the various social reforms movement to eradicate the evil practices from Indian
C/O3: Understanding different views of Mahatma Gandhi and relevance of his ideas in the
present time, along with the ideas and relevance of new humanism of M.N. Roy
C/O4: Describes concept of democracy and social justice and other social issues relating to
Dalits etc.
Select Constitutions
General outcome: Deals with the basic facts and concepts of the political system of China and
Switzerland along with their governing institutions.
C/O1: Provides knowledge to the learners about the political and constitutional history of
People’s Republic of China.
C/O2: Provides knowledge about rights and duties of the citizens of China and the role of
Communist Party in their political system.
C/O3: Understanding about the working of federalism in Switzerland and its governing
institutions, their features, organizations and working in their political system.
C/O4: Clarify the concept of Direct Democracy and its methods which are followed in
General outcome:- The learners get enriched about the basic issues and ideas of society and
important subject matters of sociology.
C/O1: Describes the concept of culture which is an important ingredient of our society. It deals
with the meaning, origin, variables and functions of the society.
C/CO2: The learners gain the knowledge that “social control” is a necessity for a civilized
C/O3: Provides insight into the process of social change and how changes occur in our society.
C/O4: The learners will understand the process of “political socialization” along with its factors
and the entire process of socialization.
Political Sociology
General outcome:- The relation between society and politics started with the birth of civilized
society. This important fact led to the emergence of a new social science namely “political
sociology”, which discusses about issues related to the society and politics such as Political
development, political power etc.
C/O1: Learners get to know about the theoretical perspective of practical power and the theories
of the great expounders & criticism.
C/O2: Provide insight into the various causes of political changes and various causes of
revolutions and how it affects the society.
C/O3: The learners