Affiliated To Gauhati University
ACCREDITED B+ by NAAC (2019) in 3rd CYCLE  03712-220535

Students Union Body

The Student Union Body of Tezpur College plays a pivotal role in fostering student engagement and leadership on campus. The union is led by a council comprising various office bearers, including the President, Vice President, General Secretary, Assistant General Secretary, and secretaries for different activities such as sports, culture, literature, social service, and hobby clubs.


Jyotisman Saikia

Kalyan Jyoti Kataki
General Secretary

Geetartha Borah
Vice President

Shyamsankar Phukan
Asst. General Secretary

Palash Boro
Boys'Common Room Secretary

Kareena Devi
Girls' Common Room Secretary

Monjit Kalita
Debate and Discourse Secretary

Rupkamal Nath
Music and Drama Secretary

Pankita Saikia
Indoor Games Secretary

Sagar Dhar
Outdoor Games Secretary

Barnali Kalita
Social Service Secretary

Manash Jyoti Nath
magazine and Literary Secretary

Tushar Choudhury
Gymnastics and Weight lifting Secretary