Affiliated To Gauhati University
ACCREDITED B+ by NAAC (2019) in 3rd CYCLE  03712-220535

Rules and Regulations

For the progress and development of a civil society Human Values and Professional Ethics are inevitable. Higher Educational Institutions (HEIs) indeed have a responsibility to build a strong society. Therefore, there is a need to create high quality practices and environmental backed with human values and professional ethics in Higher Educational Institutions (HEIs). With such an objective, certain guidelines in accordance with UGC directives, certain principles and guidelines have been framed for creating and maintaining an ethical atmosphere in Tezpur College. The guideline have covered conceptual framework of Human Values and Professional Ethics, values based and ethical practices of various internal and external stakeholders and implementation monitoring plan.

  1.  All bona-fide students are expected to be conversant with the code and guideline as stipulated below and any amendments that might be incorporated from time to time as per requirement and necessary.
  2.  Every student shall be familiar with the Academic Calendar of the college (uploaded in the college website)
  3.  Every student shall behave towards every individual inside the campus in a way that is expected from a good educated citizen.
  4. Students shall spend each and every working day inside the college campus in a meaningful way.
  5. Class Representatives from every academic course batches shall be members of Departmental advisory Committees in every academic department, who shall communicate to the higher authorities the opinion/ suggestions of his/ her batch mates 
  6. The institution believes in and follows a decentralized and participatory mode of governance. Student representatives are nominated as members in the following 19 in-house committees of the college: Academic Committee, Anti- Ragging Central Committee, Campus Beautification Committee, Canteen Monitoring Committee, Extension Education Advisory Committee, Health Care Promotion and Maintenance Committee, Hostel Advisory Committee, Information and Career Guidance Cell (ICGC), Internal Quality Assurance Call (IAQC), Internal Complaints Committee (ICC), Library Advisory Committee, NCC Advisory Committee, NASS Advisory Committee, Project Monitoring Committee RUSA, Scouts and Guides Advisory Committee, Sports and Games Promotion Committee, Students’ Counselling Centre, Students’ Discipline Maintenance Committee and Students’ Grievance Redrressal Cell.
  7.  All students are to note that most of the general campus area and classrooms/ laboratories are covered under CCTV surveillance
  8. Students should come to the college preferably by mass transport systems; any other vehicle brought to the college must be parked in a disciplined way in the designated parking lot outside the main gate of the campus
  9. Wearing of proper college uniform and display of valid identity cards is mandatory to enter the college premises during working days/ hours. 
  10. Loitering aimlessly inside the campus area is not encouraged. Time intervals obtained between normal scheduled classes should be spent in a productive manner towards engagement in extracurricular activities/ sports activities/ library visits/ attending any ensuring programs inside the campus or peer discussions amongst fellow students. Moving outside the college campus on flimsy grounds is not encouraged.
  11. Students should not create ruckus inside the canteen area and should not engage in gossip, thereby occupying the limited eating spaces .
  12. Students are expected to participate actively in all sorts of departmental as well as institutional level activities/ events that shall be held from time to time.
  13. RAGGING of newly admitted students is STRICTLY PROHIBITED and shall be dealt with a firm hand, under the existing penal provisions. If any incident of ragging comes to the notice to the college authority, the student(s) involved in ragging shall be given liberty to put forward his/ her explanation, which if not found satisfactory, the authority would expel him/ her from the college.
  14. The entire college campus has been declared as a VIOLENCE INTOLERANCE ZONE. No student shall be in possession of any offensive item, viz, sharp weapons, arms, ammunition, etc. during their presence inside the campus. Offensive behavior (including eve-teasing), violent behaviour, skirmishes, protests, clashes, damage to institutional property and indulging in other unruly acts inside the campus shall be deemed to be acts of in subordination and shall be dealt with in a firm manner. Exemplary punishment will be awarded to students found to be involved in violent acts or incidents which may range from debarring form attending classes, filling up or examination forms and in extreme cases my lead to rustication.
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