Affiliated To Gauhati University  03712-220535

Department of Hindi

Background :- The Department of Hindi of Tezpur college has started functioning from the 2009 academic session with the help of Dr. Pranab Kr. Nath.The Department was started with the subject  Adv. Hindi and MIL Hindi  at the Higher secondary  and  the U. G. level. The overall response and success rate of students in the department are excellent.  At present Dr. Bedabrat sarma is a  permanent faculty members and HOD in the department. The department have framed teaching plans at the beginning of the session in order to maintain discipline and punctuality and to complete the course within the specific period of time.The department has a mini departmental library with a strength of more then two hundred books. The department is regularly organising departmental seminars, speech programmes, Departmental Freshmen's social, quiz competitions,, Hindi Divas programmes etc for the all round development of the students.