Affiliated To Gauhati University  03712-220535

Department of Mathematics Course Outcome





Subject Specific Knowledge:

Demonstrating comprehensive knowledge and a coherent understanding of both the theoretical and applied aspects of mathematics, as well as selected interdisciplinary areas of study within a broad multidisciplinary context. This includes the ability to connect relevant disciplines and recent innovations with the chosen fields of study.


Mathematical Visualisation and Analytical Reasoning:

The students undergoing this programme acquire the ability of critical thinking and logical reasoning, as well as the capability of recognizing and distinguishing the various aspects of real-life problems, including mathematical visualization.


Problem Solving: 

The mathematical knowledge acquired by students in this program enables them to analyze problems, identify suitable computing requirements for solutions, and enhances their overall development.



Digital Literacy:

Completion of this program will enable learners to utilize appropriate softwares such as Matlab, Mathematica, Python etc for performing various types of numerical calculations. Along with that the program offer students to learn LaTeX, HTML etc for mathematical article writing.


Basic Research Opportunity: 

Upon completion  of this program, students will develop the ability to ask pertinent questions about mathematical concepts across different areas of mathematics.




Semester: First



Course Name: Classical Algebra (MAT-101) (Core Course)



Course Objective: The primary objective of this course is to introduce the basic concepts of complex numbers along with geometrical interpretation, theory of equations, matrices and matrix method of solution of homogeneous linear equations up to four variables.


Course Learning Outcomes:

This course will enable the students to:


  •  Employ De Moivre’s theorem and its applications to solve complex number problems.
  •  Learn the basic concepts of trigonometric, exponential, logarithmic and hyperbolic functions of complex numbers with geometrical interpretations
  • .Learn how to find the nature of the roots of a given polynomial equation by applying Descartes’ rule.
  •  Learn about symmetric functions of the roots for cubic and biquadratic equations.
  •  Learn how to solve cubic and biquadratic equations by using Cardon's method, Euler's method.
  • Recognize consistent and inconsistent systems of linear equations by the row echelon form of the augmented matrix. Finding inverse and rank of a matrix.  


Semester: Second


Course Name: Calculus (MAT-151) (Core Course)


Course Objective: Calculus, often described as the 'Mathematics of Change,' focuses on precisely describing how changes in one variable correspond to changes in another. This course enables students to grasp quantitative changes in variable behavior and apply them to problems related to the environment.


Course Learning Outcomes: The students who take this course will be able to:

  •  Understand continuity and differentiability in terms of limits.
  • Describe asymptotic behaviour in terms of limits involving infinity.
  • Understand the importance of mean value theorems. 


Semester: Third


Course Name: Ordinary Differential Equations (MAT-201) (Core Course)


Course Objective: The main objective of this course is to introduce the students to the exciting world of differential equations and their solutions methods.


Course Learning Outcomes: The students who take this course will be able to:

  • Learn basics of 1st order ordinary differential equations and 2nd order linear differential equations
  •  Learn different techniques for solving the differential equations.